phone number validator

Phone Number Validator

Verify phone numbers with 99.9% accuracy to check if a phone number is real and active.

*Check any phone number to see if it's real and actively in service.

What is Phone Number Validation?

Phone number validation is the process of verifying whether a number is real and active. You can look up any number to confirm its status. With a KrispCall number validation tool, you can reduce the chances of connecting with an unauthorized mobile number.

It provides details like carrier name, risk score, VoIP landline, or cellular (line types) to make the numbers more secure. It also directly connects with carriers to identify whether the numbers are authentic or not.

How does Phone Number Validation Work?

Our advanced phone verification uses data from several telecom providers across 100+ countries and territories to ensure quick and accurate results. It starts by checking if the number format is correct according to the owner’s country of residence. Then, the number is matched with the mobile network provider to confirm if it’s active. The process also involves “pinging” the carrier and sending a signal to see if the number is connected.

Once the carrier confirms the number’s status, additional checks are made on its reputation. In this section, the number’s history is monitored to see if it has ever been involved in fraud or scams. Also, the validation tool determines if the number is temporary or just one of the scammer’s disposable numbers.

As a result, if the number is real and does not involve fraud or scams, the validation tool displays a “ Valid Number.” In contrast, if the number contains suspicious activities, the tool displays a “ Not Valid Number.”

What Phone Validation Lookup Data Is Available?

Our phone validation technology provides comprehensive data for each number, including country, city, line type, and fraud score. You will also get insights on carrier name, city, and region, as well as information on whether the number is leaked online or not. 

This real-time validation ensures accurate information, identifies invalid or disconnected numbers, and helps prevent fraudulent activities. We partner with telecom carriers to give you broad global coverage, making our validation process even more reliable.

How To Check If Phone Number Is Active?

Active phone numbers’ reputations are vital for identifying the verification. Phone number lookup tools can help you check the number’s authenticity or activeness in service.

Phone number validator facilitates real-time number carrier data that supports a global reach to ping carriers and identifies if the user is active for detecting subscribers who have been suspended or canceled the service.

Follow these steps to check the status of any phone number using our free tool:

Step 1: Input the phone number that you want to validate and select the country from which the number belongs. Click on the validate number option, which is down or sometimes side from the input checkbox.

Step 2: Now, see the result with information on the number’s country, local formatted number, region, line type, carrier name and if it is a leaked number or not.

Step 3: To validate other numbers, simply click on “check next number” or refresh the page and input another number. Phone number validation tools also allow you to message the number if it is shown as valid directly.

Instantly Check Subscriber Status & Line Types

Validation of phone numbers requires detecting line types with the details of carrier lookup. KrispCall’s phone number verification offers insights into user quality by detecting invalid numbers.

The risk with ported numbers and prepaid plans is higher, so the KrispCall phone validator tool will identify the real-time status and quality of VoIP numbers since these are comparatively riskier numbers than landlines.

This tool also offers access to millions of individual phone numbers that have been on a blacklist due to illegal phone number use. These could be spam calls, call abuse, or any suspicious action pattern. This ensures the security and better verification of phone numbers.

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Confidently identify fraudulent users and invalid user information with accurate phone number risk scores. IPQS phone validation API analyzes data in real-time as users sign up, submit an application, make a purchase & more.
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Phone Number Checker

Phone Number Checker

Check any mobile or landline number with our free phone number lookup tool. Lookup any phone number, upload a list of numbers, or use our phone number lookup API. IPQS support phone number intelligence worldwide.
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Phone Carrier Lookup

Perform a free phone carrier lookup on any phone number in any country. Phone number carrier lookups are an easy way to check which country and service provider a phone number currently is allocated to.
Reverse Phone Lookup

Reverse Phone Lookup

Confidently identify fraudulent users and invalid user information with accurate phone number risk scores. IPQS phone validation API analyzes data in real-time as users sign up, submit an application, make a purchase & more.
Random Phone Number Generator

Random Phone Number Generator

Instantly create authentic-looking phone numbers of various types and from different countries, perfect for testing, development, or any other purpose you may have in seconds.

Frequently Asked Questions

Verified phone numbers are the active numbers which the number’s owner confirms. This involves a process of sending a verification code to the number, and the user inputs the code to confirm the ownership. This shows it as a valid verified phone number.

You can check your mobile number validity from phone number validation tools. For this, go into any validation software and enter the number with the country. If it shows a “ valid number, “congrats, your number is an authentic one. If it shows” not valid number, check your number or contact with carrier about the issues.

Your mobile number can be valid by using the correct phone number format according to your region and country. The number should also be eligible for sending and receiving messages and calls without being engaged in any unethical crimes.

A valid phone number example is one that follows the correct format and is assigned to an active phone line. Here’s an example of a valid phone number in the United States:

+1 (555) 123-4567

In this example:

+1 is the country code for the United States.

(555) is the area code.

123-4567 is the local number.