Salesflare Integration

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Salesflare Integration Beta

Integrate Salesflare CRM with the KrispCall call center to enhance business operation and telephony interaction strategies. This powerful combination translates into higher productivity, improved customer relationships, and increased sales growth.

Integrate Salesflare CRM with the KrispCall call center More>>

Click-to-call Functionality

The KrispCall and Salesflare integration helps agents effortlessly initiate a call and start conversations with customers. With this powerful combination, agents can make calls using click-to-call functionality from the Salesflare dashboard.

This eliminates the need for manual dialing and switching between platforms just to get numbers to contact leads. Eventually, this frees up the agent’s valuable time, which can be used to build rapport with customers and close more deals.

Click-to-call Functionality 1
Complete Customer History Access 2

Complete Customer History Acces

Integrating KrispCall with Salesflare allows you to access a 360-degree view of customer history in the Salesflare dashboard. This includes past interactions, purchases, call logs, voicemails, text messages, and emails.

With all this valuable information, the sales team can understand the customer journey and context before contacting them. This helps them personalize their conversations accordingly, increasing customer satisfaction.

Initial synchronization of contacts

When you integrate KrispCall with Salesflare, the initial synchronization of contacts feature automatically syncs existing information between them. It eliminates the hassle of manually entering contact information twice.

This eventually frees up agents’ time that can be focused on more productive tasks like building rapport. In addition, this feature ensures that agents will always have contact details on both platforms, KrispCall and Salesflare.

Initial synchronization of contacts 3
Automatic Call Logging 4

Automatic Call Logging

The integration of KrispCall with Salesflare provides an automatic call-logging feature, ensuring that all inbound and outbound calls made via KrispCall are seamlessly logged into Salesflare CRM. This eliminates the need for agents to manually enter calls.

Each logged call entry includes crucial details such as the date, time, duration, caller ID, and call notes. You can view this valuable data in a single place, facilitating a better understanding and managing customer relationships.

Salesflare benifits

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Salesflare CRM

Integrating KrispCall with Salesflare CRM offers numerous benefits that enhance efficiency and improve customer relationship management. Here are five compelling benefits:
1. Automated task management: Integration of KrispCall with Salesflare automatically logs all calls and syncs contact information. This reduces the need for manual data entry and ensures tasks are completed efficiently and accurately.

2. Comprehensive activity tracking: This integration allows agents to view all interactions, including calls, messages, voicemails, emails, and more, in one centralized location. This comprehensive tracking facilitates a better understanding of customer journeys and helps manage relationships more effectively.

3. Improved customer insights: The KrispCall and Salesflare integration offers detailed interaction logs. Agents will gain valuable insights into customer needs and preferences. These insights enable personalized interactions, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

4. Efficient reporting and analytics: This integration automatically logs calls and syncs data, making it easy to create detailed reports. These reports help sales teams track their performance, spot trends, and make informed decisions to improve their sales strategies.

5. No more app-switching: Integrating KrispCall with Salesflare allows agents to work within a single environment and access necessary data. This eliminates the need to switch between apps and tabs, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

Salesflare Sales Team

Sales Team

The integration of KrispCall and Salesflare significantly enhances the efficiency and productivity of the sales team. First and foremost, a sales team can easily contact customers with the click-to-call functionality. This feature allows them to initiate calls in just a click from Salesflare, eliminating manual dialing.

Furthermore, all call logs, voicemails, and other interactions are automatically synced to Salesflare CRM. Sales representatives can easily access this valuable information to tailor their conversations with customers, which eventually leads to improved customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Marketing Team

For marketing teams, the KrispCall and Salesflare integration provides valuable data that can drive targeted campaigns and enhanced lead nurturing. By integrating telephony data with CRM insights, marketers can segment audiences based on communication patterns and engagement levels.

This enables the creation of highly personalized marketing campaigns that truly resonate with specific customer segments. The integration also supports automated workflows that trigger marketing actions based on call outcomes, such as sending follow-up emails or promotional offers after a successful call.

Salesflare Marketing Team
Salesflare Remote Team

Remote Team

Communication is crucial for remote teams, and this is where the KrispCall and Salesflare integration help. This duo facilitates seamless communication and collaboration among team members. Remote team members can access all relevant call data, notes, and customer histories from any location in a central location.

This ensures remote teams have the information needed to perform their roles effectively. They can easily coordinate follow-ups, share insights, and maintain a consistent approach to customer service. KrispCall and Salesflare also promote better collaboration by providing a unified platform where all team members can view and update customer interactions.

How to integrate Salesflare with KrispCall?

Follow these simple steps to integrate Salesflare with KrispCall:

  1. Log in to your KrispCall account and navigate to Settings.
  2. In the Settings menu, locate and click on Integrations under App Settings.
  3. By doing so, a new window will open, displaying a list of business tools and CRM software you can integrate with KrispCall. To integrate with Salesflare, click the Connect → button below Salesflare.
  4. Clicking on Connect opens a new window prompting you to log in to your Salesflare account to complete the integration with KrispCall.
  5. Select the Salesflare account you wish to connect with KrispCall, then click “Choose Account” to proceed with the integration.
  6. After selecting your Salesflare account, you’ll find Salesflare listed under Active Integrations at the top of the Integration page. Click the toggle button below Salesflare to activate it for your account.