
noCRM Integration Beta

Make the most of all sales opportunities and convert more prospects into long-term customers while boosting all of your sales representatives’ productivity with KrispCall and integration.

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Make & Receive Calls Directly from

The integration of KrispCall with empowers you to effortlessly place and answer calls directly within the interface. This functionality eliminates the need to toggle between platforms, enabling smooth communication with your leads. Furthermore, incoming calls are seamlessly routed through, ensuring all interactions are centralized within your account. By leveraging this integration, you can optimize your sales telephony workflow and maintain a consolidated record of client and lead interactions within

Please note that in order to enable click-to-call functionality, it’s necessary to install the KrispCall Dialer extension on your browser. You can conveniently locate and install the extension by following this link.

Make & Receive Calls from
Access Call Recordings and Voicemails in

Access Call Recordings and Voicemails in

With KrispCall + integration, users can access call recordings and voicemails from all contacts directly within By having call recordings and voicemails available directly into the CRM platform, sales teams can easily access and review important conversations with clients or leads. This feature allows them to easily revisit conversations at any time and capture key details for better follow-up or reference during future interactions.

Automated Contact Data Logging

Integrating KrispCall with automatically logs all contact data into your account. When a call is made or received using KrispCall, relevant information such as the caller’s details, call notes, and tags are automatically logged and updated in as lead records. This eliminates the need for manual data entry, saving time and reducing the risk of errors. Additionally, this feature ensures that all information is readily available to sales reps to access and track.

Automated Contact Data Logging
Tickets for Every Call in

Tickets for Every Call in

With this integration, you get to automatically create a ticket within for every call made or received through KrispCall. Each ticket can serve as a unique record of the singular calls that contains detailed information such as the caller’s name, contact information, call duration, and any notes/tags or follow-up actions. Using these tickets, you can organize and prioritize certain tasks to ensure that no leads or opportunities fall through the cracks. This feature simplifies sales task management, coordination, and follow-up.

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with

With KrispCall’s integration with, you can enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Personalized Sales Calls: With this integration, agents can access all contact information and specific notes during calls in Using that, they can carry out a more tailored sales conversation.
  2. Efficient Lead Management: KrispCall and integration helps sales teams with simplified and systematic lead management processes. As with it, they can use tickets to save data for initial sales calls and client details in
  3. Enhanced Customer Data Access: Using KrispCall and integration, sales reps can directly access all customer profiles on They can use it for improved service or better initial engagement.
  4. Streamlined Sales Telephony Processes: With this integration, sales teams can make & receive calls & messages directly from This eliminates the need to switch between two platforms and saves time.
  5. Improved Agent Productivity: This integration automatically syncs all contact information between KrispCall and With the information in hand, agents can work on leads promptly and have a structured approach to customer interactions.
Sales Team

Sales Team

With KrispCall and integration, sales representatives can initiate calls directly from lead or prospect profiles within the interface. This makes call-making efficient and also eliminates the need to switch between platforms, and saves valuable time. Also, this integration automatically logs call data like duration, recordings, and caller information into

Additionally, with this integration, sales can categorize interactions in the form of tickets in They can use those to track call activities and make lead engagement more efficient. And with easy access to call recordings and voicemails within, sales reps can revisit conversations anytime to gather insights. Using that information, they can personalize future interactions, improve conversion rates, and make more effective sales pitches.

Marketing Team

Marketers can use KrispCall and integration to track the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. They can do this by associating call data with specific campaigns to drive performance with key reports through This helps identify which campaigns generate the most qualified leads.

Using features, marketing teams can set specific goals for measurable success by setting up status loops for follow-up calls. With that, they can ensure that no customer is left unattended and improve the effectiveness of their campaigns. Additionally, with KrispCall’s call recording, they can find out what customers want. This helps them create targeted content and messages that resonate with specific audiences.

Marketing Team
Remote Team

Remote Team

Using KrispCall and integration, remote teams can manage calls from anywhere. This enables them to maintain an efficient workflow from anywhere. Also, with the integration in place, all team members can easily access all contact and call data in This fosters better collaboration and ensures everyone on the team has the context they need to effectively interact with leads and customers.

Additionally, managers can remotely monitor team performance through KrispCall’s built-in reporting and analytics features to track key metrics such as call volume, AWT, and AHT. They can also use other features, like call notes and contact tags, to work together with their remote members on lead management and follow-up strategies.

How to integrate with KrispCall?

  1. Log in to KrispCall to get started.
  2. Go to Settings > Integrations. Under, you can see the Connect → Button and click on it.
  3. You will then be asked to log into your account. Simply do so.
  4. This will automatically integrate your KrispCall account with
  5. After that, click the Toggle button in the integration window of your KrispCall account to turn on and activate
  6. Take your time to explore general settings, workflow settings, connected numbers, and advanced settings to take advantage of the + KrispCall integration features.
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