Insightly Integration

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Insightly Integration Coming Soon

Ensure positive customer interactions, enhance your business telephony, and optimize your sales & support processes with KrispCall and Insightly integration.

Make collaboration even easier with Slack integration with KrispCall. More>>


With this integration, agents can initiate calls directly from Insightly CRM with just a few clicks. They can simply find a contact listing and click the phone number to initiate the call. There is no need to manually dial numbers, saving time and reducing errors. Moreover, with it, they can also provide more personalized & tailored customer service as they can access relevant contact information while placing the call.

To enable click-to-call functionality on your browser, please install KrispCall Dialer. Here is a link that will help you find and install the extension.

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Automated Call Activity Logging

With KrispCall + Insightly integration, every detail about all your inbound and outbound calls is automatically logged in on Insightly. This includes call date, time, duration, and direction (inbound or outbound).

Automated call activity logging eliminates the need to scramble for call details and the need for manual data entry. With this feature, businesses can analyze call data and gain valuable insights into each customer interaction directly from Insightly without switching between apps and tabs.

Real-Time Contact Sync

With the integration of KrispCall and Insightly, all your contact details between Insightly and KrispCall are synchronized in real time. Whether you’re adding a new contact, updating existing information, or deleting outdated records, the changes are instantly synchronized between Insightly and KrispCall.

This automatic change eliminates duplicates and keeps your information accurate and up-to-date across both platforms. As a result, agents will always have access to the latest contact information.

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View Voicemails & Call Recording

With this integration, you can also view voicemails and listen to call recordings directly from Insightly’s interface. Using this feature, agents can gain convenient access to important interaction information that they can use to review and analyze to understand customer needs and improve future interactions.

Similarly, it also enables supervisors to monitor call quality and ensure that agents are providing high-quality service and compliance with company policies.

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Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Insightly CRM

KrispCall’s integration with Insightly enables you to enjoy the following benefits:

  1. Personalize Customer Integration: With KrispCall + Integration, agents can see complete customer details regarding their preferences before initiating a call that they can use for personalized greetings and faster issue resolution.
  2. Enhanced Team Collaboration: With all call logs, contact details, and recordings automatically displayed within Insightly, each member of the sales team has access to a complete picture of each customer relationship, which means better collaboration.
  3. Improved Lead Management: Through this integration, all call activity is automatically logged in on Insightly, with which agents can gain valuable insights into lead behavior. This allows for targeted follow-ups and improved lead nurturing.
  4. Better Client Retention: Agents have access to call metrics, such as duration, recordings, and voicemails, from the Insightly interface. By analyzing this data, they can gain valuable insights into customer behavior and build strategies for better client retention.
  5. Increased Productivity and Collaboration: With this integration, agents can comprehensively view customer histories and interactions. With that, they can increase productivity and better coordinate operations by having a customer-centric approach.
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Sales Team

For sales teams, the integration can help streamline the sales process by allowing sales reps to access customer data and conversation history directly from the CRM platform. This can help sales reps better understand their customers’ needs and preferences, which can lead to more personalized interactions and a higher likelihood of closing deals.

Additionally, the integration of KrispCall and Insightly can help sales teams be more effective. It automates repetitive tasks such as data entry and contact detail logging, freeing up agent time for strategic tasks such as product development and customer engagement.

Marketing Team

When talking about potential uses for marketing teams, KrispCall and Insightly integration can help improve lead generation and nurturing by allowing marketing reps to track customer interactions directly from within Insightly. This can help marketing teams create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns, which can lead to higher conversion rates and a stronger brand reputation.

Aside from that, this integration can help marketing teams collaborate more effectively with sales teams by providing a centralized location for customer data and conversation history. They can also track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns by analyzing call volume and conversion rates generated from specific campaigns.

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Remote Team

Through this integration, remote teams can collaborate seamlessly, manage calls, and access all customer information on either of the platforms. This enables them to stay collaborative, connected, and informed about every interaction. Also, with this integration, remote members no longer have to switch between applications to make calls, which allows them to focus on their core responsibilities.

Furthermore, remote team managers can monitor the performance of remote team members by tracking call activity and call recordings in real-time. With the information in hand, they can take appropriate action regarding remote coaching and support to ensure that all team members are meeting their targets, staying productive, and delivering exceptional customer service.

How to integrate Insightly with KrispCall?

To integrate Insightly with KrispCall, you have to follow specific steps that are listed below:

  1. To begin, first, log in to KrispCall.
  2. Navigate to settings and then go to integrations. Go to Insightly, and under it, you’ll find the Connect →  button, click on it.
  3. After that, you will be prompted to log in/sign up for Insightly. Do so.
  4. This will successfully merge your KrispCall account with Insightly.
  5. You activate KrispCall and Insightly by clicking the toggle button on the integration box.
  6. Discover the benefits of CRM integration by navigating through the general workflow, connected numbers, and advanced settings.
Click to access the login or register cheese