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Help Scout Integration Coming Soon

Streamline your support workflow and effortlessly manage all customer conversations while keeping your team focused with KrispCall and Help Scout integration.

Streamline your support workflow and effortlessly manage all customer More>>

Call Customers from Help Scout

With KrispCall and Help Scout integration, you can directly initiate calls from Help Scout’s interface with just a few clicks. This feature can help you enhance the efficiency of your support workflow. This is because, the connection of these two platforms helps you effortlessly connect with customers, provide real-time assistance, and resolve their issues without having to switch between platforms and helping you save time.

Please note that in order to enable click-to-call functionality, it’s necessary to install the KrispCall Dialer extension on your browser. You can conveniently locate and install the extension by following this link.

Call Right From ActiveCampaign’s Interface
Automatic Call & Contact Data Sync

Automatic Call & Contact Data Sync

Integrating KrispCall with Help Scout automatically synchronizes your customer information between the two platforms. This eliminates the need for manual entry and assures that the data on Help Scout is accurate, up-to-date, and consistent. This feature streamlines workflows and empowers your agents to deliver a more personalized support experience as you have all the data readily available.

Access Call Recordings & Voicemails in Help Scout

With this integration, you can easily access all of your KrispCall’s call recordings and voicemails over on Help Scout’s interface. With this convenience, agents can review the details of ongoing and past interactions to gather insights and follow up on customer inquiries. This feature can help in facilitating collaboration and enables easy reference to past conversations.

Access Call Recordings & Voicemails in Help Scout
View Notes & Tags in Help Scout

View Notes & Tags in Help Scout

The integration of KrispCall and Help Scout lets you view all of KrispCall’s call notes and contact tags over on Help Scout. With this, support agents can gain a complete picture of all their interactions and use this information to personalize ongoing interactions, prioritize tasks, and provide tailored support. Additionally, this feature can help in better management and tracking of customer details.

HubSpot Integration for Increased Functionality of KrispCall Cloud Phone

Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Help Scout

KrispCall’s integration with Help Scout will provide you with the following perks:

  1. Better Conversation Management: With KrispCall + Help Scout integration, agents can easily access customer call histories, voicemails, tags, notes, and other relevant information within Help Scout. With it, they can ensure a cohesive and organized customer experience.
  2. Contextual Customer Support: The integration of KrispCall and Help Scout can help agents provide contextual customer support as they can access relevant customer data and call history directly within Help Scout. 
  3. Streamlined Support Workflow: With this integration, agents can initiate, receive, and log calls directly from Help Scout. This streamlines the support workflow as it eliminates the need for manual data entry and switching between multiple platforms.
  4. Enhanced Agent Productivity: With this integration, agents can use KrispCall’s call analytics features and Help Scout’s ticketing system and then use those to focus on resolving customer issues efficiently. This can lead to significant improvements in agent productivity.
  5. Optimized Call Making: With KrispCall and Help Scout integration, agents can initiate calls with a few clicks, access customer histories instantly, and work more efficiently with clients. This efficiency leads to shorter sales cycles and flawless record-keeping.
Sales Team

Sales Team

Sales teams can use KrispCall + Help Scout integration to enhance the efficiency of their sales processes. With it, they can conveniently make calls to prospects and clients directly within Help Scout. They can also automatically log those calls as tickets in Help Scout, capturing call details and customer info for faster follow-up and deal tracking.

Additionally, with this integration, all the KrispCall call data is automatically synced into Help Scout. Using that, sales teams can track and analyze customer interactions for better sales insights and strategies to deliver personalized and efficient service.

Marketing Team

Marketing teams can use KrispCall and Help Scout integration to enhance the efficiency of their customer telephony interactions. This integration brings together all call data and customer contact information within Help Scout; marketers can cumulatively use those to gain valuable insights into customer preferences.

Alongside that, marketing executives can use this integration to access complete engagement histories and other details at a glance over on Help Scout. With that, they can personalize customer interactions to enhance overall marketing strategies based on data-driven insights gathered from customer interactions.

Marketing Team
Remote Team

Remote Team

With KrispCall and Help Scout integration, remote teams can be ensured of efficient interactions as they can make calls directly from Help Scout. They can quickly and easily access call history, recordings, and customer conversations on either of the platforms, allowing them to stay informed wherever they are.

Furthermore, using KrispCall’s call center features, supervisors can monitor calls remotely to get insights into key call metrics in real time and maintain a high level of customer service. This can foster a higher level of team productivity and ensure consistent customer service delivery, even in a remote work environment.

How to integrate Help Scout with KrispCall?

  1. To get started by logging into KrispCall.
  2. Go to Settings > Integrations. Under the Help Scout, you will find the Connect → Button; click on it to begin the integration.
  3. You will then be asked to select a mailbox you want to integrate with KrispCall. Select it and hit the Connect button.
  4. In doing so, your Help Scout account will be successfully integrated with KrispCall.
  5. To turn Help Scout on and activate it, click the toggle button in the integrations window.
  6. Feel free to explore general settings, workflow settings, connected numbers, and advanced settings to enjoy the CRM integration features.
  7. Whenever you are done using it, you can easily disconnect it.
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