Gong Integration


Gong Integration Beta

Integrating KrispCall and Gong will transform how your team engages with customers. This unified solution leverages conversational intelligence to enhance interactions between agents and potential clients.

Make collaboration even easier with Slack integration with KrispCall. More>>


The click-to-call feature allows agents to initiate outbound calls directly from within the Gong platform with just one click. This eliminates time wasted switching between different applications to start calls. Agents can click on any contact card in Gong to immediately dial out to that customer. All standard telephony functions are accessible during the call, including note-taking, transferring, coaching, etc.


Call Recording Sync

All calls made through the KrispCall integration are automatically recorded and synced to the relevant contact in Gong. This provides a centralized place to access any call interactions for playback or transcription. The recordings are linked within the contact history so agents and their managers can quickly review past discussions. Transcripts are also generated from call audio using Gong’s AI capabilities to help uncover trends or issues through search and analytics.

Contact Syncing

Keeping contact information consistent across platforms is critical for delivering personalized service. The bi-directional sync ensures any updates to contacts in one system are reflected in real-time in the other system as well. This provides agents a holistic 360-degree view of customers during calls with access to all past interactions, notes, emails, and more. Data integrity is maintained through automatic two-way syncing in the background.


Conversation Analytics

Gong’s advanced AI analyzes call transcripts and recordings to surface key discussion points. Using sentiment analysis, it can identify upset customers or pain points mentioned. Automatically flagged moments drawing on this natural language understanding help prioritize areas for agents to improve. Managers gain insight into recurring customer concerns through dashboard trends. Analytics also evaluate top-performing agents who consistently solve issues or increase sales to pinpoint best practices.


Benefits of Integrating KrispCall with Gong CRM

Connecting KrispCall and the Gong CRM provides the benefits below:

  1. Amplified productivity through automated processes: Call documenting, and AI follow-ups lessen manual duties by managing callbacks based on gleanings.
  2. Central administration and supervision: Managers can listen live and supply feedback. Recordings aid in training agents and improving skills.
  3. Deeper discernment from AI discussion examination: Gong pinpoints customer needs, priorities, and emotions to better assist clients.
  4. Customized help with comprehensive profiles: Syncing contact specifics gives agents full histories for personalized, contextual calls.
  5. Streamlined onboarding through fast history access: New hires get up to speed quicker by reviewing interaction records.
  6. Consistent experience across channels with synchronized data: Keeping customer information and logs consistent provides a single foundation of truth.

Sales Team

The combination of KrispCall and Gong helps salespeople focus on closing sales. Reps can easily click a contact’s name to call them from Gong. They can then see notes, emails, and recordings of past calls, making their discussions feel more personal.

Complex algorithms reveal what matters most to customers based on their calls. Reps can flag important things to follow up on, and Gong automatically sends those to the CRM system.

Managers can listen to recordings and read transcripts to give targeted feedback. This feedback helps reps sharpen their pitches. The streamlined process, paired with useful customer insights, gives reps the tools for better talks, which makes them more likely to get the results they want. Overall, the integration sets reps up for success in closing deals.

Marketing Team

Full call recordings and analysis give marketers really useful, unfiltered feedback on their campaigns. They can see if customers seem happy or unhappy over time and what problems are often brought up.

With automatic call logs and AI smarts, knowing which promotions do best and which need work is easier. Live listening lets managers give guidance on demos and webinars in real-time.

Contact info stays merged between systems, so profiles stay current for coordinated multi-channel efforts. The combined tools act as one place to correctly judge true campaign success. Transcripts and sentiment patterns show how people actually respond rather than just numbers. This genuine feedback helps marketers strengthen their messages and offers to attract more customers.


Remote Team

For sales and support teams spread out, the combined system breaks down the walls between delivering good customer experiences. Agents can help customers just as easily from their laptops or phones no matter where they work.

During calls, remote agents see linked customer information, past interactions, and transcripts for customized support. Artificial intelligence also helps by automatically noting key parts of discussions as they happen.

Managers can still closely monitor quality even from a distance using real-time call listening and AI coaching tips. This allows managers to develop employee skills even when remote. The shared tools make it so that spread-out teams work together just like ones in one building. Customers get consistent care no matter which representative answers like the teams are all in one place. This collaborative solution ensures great service across locations.

How to integrate Gong with KrispCall?

  1. Sign in to KrispCall to initiate the integration process.
  2. Navigate within KrispCall settings to the Integrations page and click the Connect button for Gong.
  3. Log in to your Gong account and provide consent or authorization for the integration.
  4. Authenticating in Gong will connect your KrispCall account with Gong.
  5. Flip the integration toggle to power on Gong connectivity.
  6. Customize settings across various areas like general settings, workflow settings, connected numbers, and advanced settings to leverage full CRM sync functionality.
  7. Toggle integration off as needed to separate systems when finished.